วันจันทร์ที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Single Mom Manifests Big Business

Writen by Darcie Lambrecht


Single mother of 2 small children finds herself at the end of her marriage. NO post secondary education, no employment history for 5 years. No financial support. One day she witnesses someone painting a window ad onto a retail window and because of her curious nature, she begins to ask several questions: How long does it take to build a display like that (4 large storefront windows)? 3 Hours How much do you get paid? $500.00 To her astonishment she discovered a hidden secret:


This is what she knew for sure:

Almost every business had a window and almost every business was serious about advertising. The market was not only unexplored but also untapped. The opportunity to create a successful window advertising company was not only achievable but could prove to be very lucrative. She also knew for sure that if she believed, she could create anything she wanted. There are no limits or boundaries when we believe in ourselves and when we learn to follow the feeling inside of us that says "yes". By following her inner voice, she knew that prosperity would be hers to enjoy, after all it is our natural essence to live in abundance. Abundance for her was in creation.

Her first paycheck to herself for one month's work was $312, but she had vision, and within one year, her business grossed just over $25,000! Not bad for someone who had no known artist talent and who started with only a dream. For the next 4 years, with much diligence and persistence, her business now realizes sales of close to $100,000 per year! What is even more astonishing is that she devotes only 25 hours a week to window advertising! Although her business has expanded to include various types of hand painted signage, window ads pays her on average a whopping $65 per hour! What is so brilliant about what has been manifested in her life is that she has been able to create these desired pieces of art without any known artist talent.

Whichever direction you look in this business there is success. For example the overhead costs in this industry are extremely low as $200 worth of paint can generate close to $5000 worth of business! It is also a product that sells itself as it is a diplay that works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. What other form of marketing can produces results like that? It not only attracts customers into a store, it also attracts other businesses that desire similar attention. Having said that, the selling of this product is minimal. Hand painted window ads bring silent billboards to life, and they sell themselves! Brilliant Opportunity!

As a single mother, Darcie has learned to manifest big presence in the advertising industry through her window painting business and has recently launched her website http://www.wildways2ads.com In it she offers an amazing http://www.wildways2ads.com home business idea for women through a step by step guide to creating hand painted window ads as a non artist. It has been proven to be http://www.wildways2ads.com/howitallbegan.html easy to make money fast.
