วันเสาร์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Career As A Paralegal

Writen by John Daye

The paralegal profession is currently experiencing a great deal of growth and prosperity. With the average USA annual salary averaging around $34,000 for local and state work, nearly double that for Federal Government work, and much more in the private sector, it's no wonder this career field is growing. Let's take a look at a few reasons why a career as a paralegal is so rewarding.

Challenging Work

Attorneys pass much of their workload along to paralegals, also known as legal assistants. Note that paralegals may not perform all attorney tasks, including setting legal fees, giving out legal advice, and presenting court cases.

Case preparation is part of the workload. Paralegals help lawyers with background information and research, legal history, case studies, fact-finding investigations, document preparation and analysis, plea documents, folder, record and file handling. The work they perform is often involved with hearings, trials, closing comments, and also corporate functions.

Jobs are available for paralegals in many types of companies and organizations. They work with employee benefits, labor law, criminal law, corporate law, government (at all levels), real estate and bankruptcy. And you'll find them working in personal injury law and litigation as well.

Career Tidbits

The following list includes some interesting information about this career field according to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook.

- Paralegals most often work year round, although some temporary work is available. Although 40 hours is average, heavy workloads are a possibility. Work isn't always at the office; paralegals need to work in libraries and often travel in order to gather relevant information.

- In 2004, there were 224,000 paralegal jobs, with private practices employing roughly 7 out of 10 of them.

- Job opportunities for paralegals are projected to increase at a faster than average rate through 2014.

There's no better time to check into being a paralegal than now!

Visit Paralegal Secrets to learn more about a career as a paralegal.
