วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How To Get An Interview Call From A Big Company

Writen by Anandrahi JS

To get an interview call you have to enter the job market to hunt for a job. And you must be prepared to work hard for it. Hard work generates opportunities. Get an attractive visiting card printed. In your job search it will not be easy or practical to hand over your Resume to every person you meet. But it is convenient to give your visiting card.

Sometimes even our friends don't know about our skills or qualifications properly. Mention your name, address, e.mail, phone numbers, qualifications, skills in the card. Several good job offers may land in your pocket through friends, relatives or neighbours. They may refer any good opening to you. This is one of the several steps you have to take to get interview calls. Other steps are:

a) Read Situations Vacant columns in various newspapers carefully. There are also walk-in interview calls in several advertisements. Just visit the company on the mentioned date and appear for an interview. Also look for vacancy advertisements in special career supplements of a newspaper (which are published every week with the main newspaper).

b) See through other employment newspapers. Many magazines also publish vacancy advertisements.

c) You may contact reputed placement agencies. But here you have to be very cautious. Many agencies extort money and you never get a good job. Even if there is a good job offer through them they charge a big amount of money.

d) There are many websites helping both job seekers and job providers. You can definitely take their help. But be careful not to get in a trap. Never shell out any large amount of money to find a job.

e) Many companies don't advertise if they have a few vacancies. They get the vacancies filled by telling it to their employees or other acquaintances. So whomever we meet we must let that person know about our job requirement. Many offers may land this way.

f) If you have a dream to work for some particular companies post your Resume to them every two months. Whenever there is a vacancy you may also be contacted.

g) Get your advertisement published in situations wanted columns of two or three prominent newspapers of your area. You may get interview calls from some good companies.


Trained thousands of persons to get great jobs, improve personality and achieve goals in business. CEO: News of India Network

Director: LSE-India, Global English Traiing.

Best-selling Books written by Anandrahi :

1. Think Your Way to Wealth and Power ,

2. Billion Dollar Personality.

(To get an e-book write an email).

email: anandrahi@yahoo.co.in

http://www.globalbusinesstimes.blogspot.com http://www.newsofindianet.blogspot.com
