วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Considering The Counteroffer

Writen by Brett Stevens

ABSOLUTELY NOT! Did you know…

According to a national survey of employees who accepted a counteroffer, 75% voluntarily left their employer within six months of accepting the counteroffer because of promises not kept!

The majority of the balance of employees that accept counteroffers involuntarily leave their current employers within twelve months of accepting the counteroffer (terminated, fired, laid off).

What should you do???

Don't be surprised by a counteroffer. Ask yourself, why would a company wait until the eleventh hour to keep someone it claims to value so highly?

Don't be fooled. A counteroffer is not what's best for you; it's about what's best for the company!

Your loyalty is in question. If you were going to leave once, your manager will be on alert that you will leave again.

If you want more money…

Resign! It is costly for any organization to lose talent. If you are looking for more money, you will get it. The problem is nothing will change and it is usually an empty promise…you may not even get the money. Remember that the culture and other things that have you looking for another opportunity ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE.

Will life get better after you accept the counteroffer? You may have a higher salary but still have the same reasons for wanting to leave.

Was counteroffer in writing or verbal? The financial portion of the counteroffer may never occur if verbal.

We had a candidate accept a position with a base salary increase of $30,000 and a 20% bonus. The new position would have added so much more value to this person's background. He accepted the counter-offer, his company matched the salary, changed his title to Logistics Manager. Ten months later that candidate called and the raise never happened and the title change was nothing more then a title change.

Before considering accepting OR making a counteroffer, contact your SearchLogix Group consultant today.

Brett Stevens is founder and President of The SearchLogix Group. Brett has enjoyed remarkable success in the executive search business in the fields of Software Sales, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Distribution, Warehousing, Transportation, Six Sigma, Technology, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Database Marketing, eRetail and CRM. He has achieved the industry's highest level of professional certification: Certified Senior Account Manager (CSAM). He has received numerous regional, national, and international awards through meeting the needs of his clients. Brett is a member of The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), The Association for Operations Management (APICS); and The Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC). He has been recognized in many trade and online magazines and is a notable guest speaker and most recently, Brett was recognized internationally by the American Stroke Association (ASA) for his fundraising efforts. You can email Brett at brettmstevenspr@searchlogixgroup.com.
