วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Changing Your Job

Writen by R.G. Srinivasan

Why do people leave jobs? This is a question a manager has to confront everyday. A better understanding of the reasons why people leave may make the manager retain employees better. At the least they may be able to show the right perspective for an employee wanting to leave.

Now here a few of the reasons people give for leaving jobs.

I am not progressing in this organization

That perhaps may be right from the employees view. However no one can stop the growth of effective and talented people if they truly deserve it. More often than not one may take a decision to change thinking that one is ready for the next level and end up not living up to the responsibilities. Every organization needs people to better positions by taking more responsibilities once they are ready. If you are truly ready you will progress. It may only be a few months away.

I am getting paid better

Salaries are the biggest lure to attract people. However when you get paid more, expectations are more and you need to deliver fast. Moving to a new job for higher pay may not be the right reason to move.

I am unhappy in my job

There is no job in the world which does not bring certain level of unhappiness. Every day we are confronted with situations and decisions which may make us unhappy. But it is best to remember they are temporary and they will follow ene in a changed environment and job.

I am changing jobs because I want to change careers

Changing your career is fraught with risks and needs high levels of consideration and confidence. Still it is best to do something you love doing rather than something you got stuck with.

Moving for better job responsibilities

This perhaps may be the best reason to move. The rational is right and money and attendant perks may still come but the reasons for job change is routed on stronger principles and ethics. This may win you more respect and acceptability.

Chang of job is a very complex decision. One needs to be honest in assessing the reasons for the change in job. It is well worth remembering that most people who have succeeded and reached the top in their careers have spent a lifetime in their organizations.

R.G. Srinivasan is a managerial professional, Writer and Author. He writes a regular blog on management thoughts with interesting articles, resources, personal experiences and links useful for any manager at http://management-thoughts.blogspot.com.
