When you are looking at making money from taking online paid surveys, following tips can help -
Look for Testimonials - Often survey makers put incorrect information in Testimonials. Read testimonials carefully; look for hard facts about the survey. A few surveys give contact information about their satisfied customers. Try contacting one. If the mail bounces or it is an incorrect contact number, then one can assume that the paid survey is nothing but a scam.
Documented Proof - Some paid surveys show document images on their sites. These documents are proof of a survey taker getting paid or getting his/her reward. Read the document to verify that it is authentic.
Guarantees - If a paid survey is guaranteeing you something, do read the conditions, which go with the guarantee. Look for fine prints to ensure that you satisfy all the criteria to get paid or rewarded for taking the survey.
Legal Issues - Read the disclaimers, terms & conditions at the bottom of the page, often written in small unreadable fonts. Ascertain what are the legal implications, if any, for you if you get paid or win the reward for taking the survey.
Proxy Fraud site owners often host their paid surveys on proxy sites thereby concealing their identity.
Setup a dedicated email exclusively for taking online surveys. Keep checking the email box regularly. Keep the inbox clear of any unwanted or fake paid survey mails. At times, email websites block mails from paid survey. Ensure that the mails are not blocked. If you are new to the world of paid surveys and if you need to pay to register to one of the survey websites, research the web to find reputable survey sites. For instance a good survey site would enable you to pay or receive money-using Pay pal. Also start registering with only one or two of such sites.
Fill the surveys honestly and take interest. Your responses could help you make more money.
Never send cash to any site.
Never depend on paid surveys as the only source of livelihood.
Finally, remember there is nothing like a Free Lunch.
Rob owns a blog and website helping people choose between online paid surveys companies. Please visit the site for more information on paid surveys