วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Do You Have The Aptitude For That Get Tested To Steer You In The Right Direction

Writen by Kathryn Marion

"Face it; you're never going to be a singer or musician. Just keep your singing in the shower." Audiences the world over are rejoicing that I took the advice of that test administrator! But after coming to the hard realization that I had no future in music, the counselor who reviewed my test scores with me surprised me by pointing out some strengths I didn't realize I had and making some career suggestions that I never would have considered. So even though I had ideas about what careers I thought I'd like to pursue, my direction got much clearer after meeting with that test counselor.

Aptitude testing isn't only helpful to find out if you might have a future in the performing arts. It can pinpoint very specific types of skills that you may not even be aware you have. Maybe friends often come to you to help settle disagreements—did you realize that you were so strong in negotiation, interpersonal communications, and relationships? Your marketable skills are not just things like being able to keep financial ledgers, run computer software, or type quickly. Many less 'tangible' skills can be even more important to your future employer.

Getting yourself tested is an excellent way to help you find a career you'll love, but it can also show you what you can do in a job you already have to succeed even more. It can also point out weak areas that you may be able to work on to succeed to the max in the career you're most suited for. Testing can run the gamut from short, free online tests (but remember, you get pretty much what you pay for) to paid online testing (which is much more convenient, and not too expensive) to live testing at a counselor's office.

I've scoped out some of the best (and most fun) online testing sites for you. Take a look at these sites and see what works for you. Then get tested and...take their advice. If you find a job utilizing your strongest skills, you'll be the most successful, and the most happy, at work. And how many people these days can say they truly love their work? Be one of them!

Take a look at http://www.educationforreality.com/resources_career.htm for all the latest finds on the Net.

Kathryn Marion is President of Education for Reality™. in Erie, Colorado. Her book Success in the 'Real World:' The Graduate's Complete Guide to Making the Most of Your Career (and Your Life!) was released in April '05 in e-book format for its tenth anniversary--it was distributed through schools, colleges, and universities to nearly two million new graduates. Jam-packed with savvy insights and helpful advice, it covers everything from careers to money management to handling personal and even legal matters. Visit http://www.EducationForReality.com and sign up for the free monthly newsletter, Dose of RealityTM--it will give you a 'dose' of advice on your career, your money, and your life each month as well as point you to additional online resources which will help you in these areas--so you don't have to surf the Net (we do it for you!).
