I've listed the most successful techniques used to land a job in just about any field imaginable. Most people believe that getting a job relies upon a good resume and interview skills. Well, that is just not so. I have found that there is a formula that if applied correctly works almost every time. In fact, through research I have discovered that the common denominator among people who consistently got work was due to them incorporating The Six Master Keys in their presentations. Let's take a look at them.
1. AUTHORITY: Become an authority in your area. Write articles, post notes in forums, joins groups and chat rooms. The more people recognize your expertise in your field the more they will seek you out. Make sure that your resume and website conveys the fact that you are one of the leading authorities out there. Most people in today's world never do any research or read any trades publications on their jobs. Take a few minutes out of your day to do this and it will put you one giant step ahead of others. This simple technique alone can greatly increase your chances of not just getting work but getting consistent work!
2. SOCIAL PROOF: It means nothing if you say it. However, if others talk about how good you are then it is taken with more weight. Make sure that you include testimonials from satisfied clients in your blog, website, and resume. This will go a long way in building trust and rapport which are the very foundations of the entertainment industry. Keep in mind that testimonials are not references. References are passive and require someone to contact your previous employer. Testimonials are active marketing tactics used to brand you and make you stand out.
3. QUALIFY: Typically when going for a job you must answer a serious of probing questions from the employer. But all that now changes. As someone who is an Authority, who has Social Proof, you will now question them. You must qualify them to see if their project or position is something YOU are interested in and is worthy of your involvement. This is not the same as the popular Questions That Sell sales technique as qualifying is a way of demonstrating your value and communicating that you have standards. Qualifying gets them to meet certain objectives and criteria that you set. Remember, you have the pick of the litter. You are in demand! Always convey that you can walk away at anytime. Never seem desperate for the job even if you are.
4. URGENCY: In our industry jobs are highly competitive. Therefore it is important that hiring decisions are made quickly before his or her uncle or cousin is hired for the position. Let them know that you are in demand or are considering other offers but are very much interested in their project. In all of your communications such as the cover letters, blogs, websites and resumes you should have embedded commands which lets them know they must act quickly. This can be done by using verbs and sentence fragments to communicate expediency.
5. FEAR: Create a sense of fear in their minds. This is best done when you have established yourself as an authority. Let them know in an indirect manner and without the inclusion of names, that just hiring anyone for the project could cost them dearly. Let them know that if not done right, it could destroy the entire project. Now here is the atomic bomb guaranteed to increase your chances of getting that job. Tell them what they should be looking for in a candidate! That's right! Give them advice on how to pick the right person for the job. Act as a consultant. This shows a number of things. That you care. That you are unbiased That you are not hungry for the work. If you don't get the job after that then go back and review everything from the beginning because chances are you missed something.
6. DESTROY THE PARADIGM: Let them know that the conventional way of thinking is incorrect and show them a new way to go about things. Destroying the paradigm positions you as having something to bring to the table and adds value to yourself. This is best done by conveying to them the truism or norm by which things are done or how the industry operates. Then in a sweeping statement let them know that the assertion is totally incorrect! This raises your status and gets them supplicating to you. However, you must then demonstrate the truth about what you are stating through an actual situation, fact or case study. This also serves to illustrate that you are innovative in your approach and on top of changes in the industry. Be warned though. This is not a technique you would use when going for a position where they want you to just fit. In other words, you would be just another piece in the factory oiled machine. But why would you want a job like that anyway?
Now you don't have to include each one in your communications with perspective employers. However, you should make an effort to incorporate as many as necessary depending upon the situation. Keep in mind that this is a skill which takes practice. Work on the Six Master Keys until it becomes natural and easy. You don't want it coming off cocky, scripted or insincere. You'll find that once you get it right it works like magic!
Ronald K. Armstrong is a noted author and filmmaker. He is President of the RKA Cinema Society which is an organization dedicated to helping aspiring actors and filmmakers. Mr. Armstrong is also the founder of the revolutionary Kamitic Acting System. http://www.rkacinemasociety.com