วันเสาร์ที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Dropped Out But No Drop Out

Writen by Anthony Page

Have you heard about the Tireds? The Thirty-something Independent Radical Educated Drop-out. Tired is a new acronym recently unveiled as a successor to the high-earning Yuppies of the 80s and 90s. Well here is a story of a tired.

Anthony Page (Working Nomad .com) was in 1995 sentenced to life in the corporate world of information technology. After 7 years of labour he was let out on parole for good behaviour and then started to discover our wonderfully diverse planet through independent budget travel.

In November of 2003 he was returned to inside the prison walls of the City of London and once again found himself in a suit and at the mercy of big business. You need funds to travel and Anthony's only way to make money was to do what he knew best and what society deems correct.

Temporary escape from the rat race was not enough and Anthony started to seek out ways of maintaining an income independently and remotely. Not being chained to office politics, bad coffee machines and long English winters was his target and dream.

In October of 2005 Anthony left an autumnal Heathrow Airport with a backpack, a laptop, a small income stream from his web sites and a dream. He set out to travel around Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand entirely funded by income from the web.

Anthony's trip has been a heady concoction of free wifi spots, hanging out in the mountains, tropical island life and the odd 14 hour bus journey with angry teams of Indonesian buskers.

Anthony's office has been a beach side café, an airplane, a backcountry hut and wherever there is an electricity point. He has managed to find the perfect balance between adventure travel and building up an online business.

Six months and seven countries later Anthony is still living his dream as a 'working nomad'. Over this period of time Anthony's income from web sites has trebled and he will return home in profit. His dream of having an independent portable career is now reality.

The most satisfying part for Anthony is the positive feedback he gets from his personal travel blog (workingnomad.com) which is helping others make the break to freedom.

Anthony hopes that by the time he returns to England in July he will have helped provide a way out to many other inmates locked away in their offices and proved, without doubt, that an escape from the corporate world does not always equate to failure

Author Bio

Anthony Page is a 34 year old former corporate slave and is now and independent website publisher with a passion for travel. Anthony has been living and travelling around Southeast Asia and Australasia living his dream of travel and working at the same time.
